we provide detailed and structured information about continents, countries, and cities around the globe. Whether you're creating interactive maps, developing location-based services, enhancing educational tools, or conducting in-depth geographic analyses, our API delivers the data you need with precision and reliability.
We provide detailed and structured information about continents, countries, and cities around the globe. Whether you're creating interactive maps, developing location-based services, enhancing educational tools, or conducting in-depth geographic analyses, our API delivers the data you need with precision and reliability. we provide detailed and structured information about continents, countries, and cities around the globe. Whether you're creating interactive maps, developing location-based services, enhancing educational tools, or conducting in-depth geographic analyses, our API delivers the data you need with precision and reliability.
Name | Type | Example |
id | Number | 1 |
code | String | AF |
name | String | Africa |
Name | Type | Example |
id | Number | 1 |
continent_id | Number | 1 |
code | String | DZ |
name | String | Algeria |
native | String | الجزائر |
phone | Number | 213 |
capital | String | Algiers |
currency | String | DZD |
emoji | String | 🇩🇿 |
emojiU | String | U+1F1E9 U+1F1FF |
Name | Type | Example |
id | Number | 1 |
country_id | Number | 1 |
name | String | Algiers |
population | String | 1977663 |
admin_code | String | 1 |
latitude | String | 36.73225 |
longitude | String | 3.08746 |
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